Best Workout Routine - The Basics

Best Workout Routine - The Basics
What is the best workout routine? Well, if you remember high school fitness classes, you already know how to do one of the most effective exercises known to man; the humble pull-up.
Pull-ups use multiple muscle groups, and are one of the most challenging exercises there are. There is a big reason so many people shun away from doing them, and much prefer doing easy curls. Pull-ups are damn hard work.
There is a reason they are hard, they work. Just by focusing 8 weeks of building up your pull-ups (from bodyweight to adding a few kgs with a weight belt) can add centimetres to your arms and back. Easily the best workout routine.
Another member of the best workout routine is the dip. Similar to the pull-up, dips are damn hard. However, they work your triceps and chest like no other exercise can. Forget triceps kick backs or bicep curls, just focus on these two exercises and you have almost your entire upper body worked out.
The last exercise to include is the standing military press. Most people use the sitting press, because they can lift more weight as the abdominals aren't used. However, if you want the best workout routine, you know you must use as many muscle groups as possible! Standing below a bar, pressing your own bodyweight heavenward should be everyone's goal in life. The sheer amounts of muscle you can build is incredible. Broad shoulders are built by the standing military press.
So, you have the pull-up, dip and military press, building a superman level upper body, what can you include for your lower body? Squats!
Squatting uses perhaps every muscle group in your body. Not only are your quads used to move the bar, but you must also control the bar with your upper body and core. There is a well-known workout called the squat and milk diet. Basically, you squat, adding weights every workout, and consume large amounts of milk. The weight gain is incredible.

The best workout routine is simple, but actually building up to impressive weights with these exercises are challenging. With a little effort, you can easily add the muscle you desire.
