What Are the Benefits of Text Messaging for Business?

 What Are the Benefits of Text Messaging for Business?

Business texting gives you the chance to meet your customers where they are, open convenient lines of communication, and provide a personalized experience that improves customer satisfaction.

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Text messaging is the most convenient channel for customers, as shown by its 98% open rate. Having real-time chats with customers helps resolve their queries faster without needing to be free to take a phone call. Plus, SMS business solutions offer efficiency tools that help companies streamline workflows, speed up response times, and create the kind of seamless experience that customers crave.

Why is business text messaging important for businesses?

Texting has become a crucial part of everyday life for most people. On average, most people use 3 different messaging apps each week to chat with friends and family. Nine in 10 consumers also want to text with businesses, but less than half of companies are currently equipped to meet their needs.

Still, businesses are recognizing the demand for texting and quickly adopting the channel. Businesses sent 2.2 trillion messages to leads and customers from business texting applications in 2024, which is expected to grow to 3.4 trillion by 2028. Global mobile business messaging traffic hit 2.7 trillion in 2020, up 10% from 2019, and is expected to only keep growing.

How Does Business Texting Compare to Other Channels?

Most businesses already communicate with customers over the phone and in email conversations. Text messaging as it relates to businesses is an inherently different type of channel, with its own role to play in customer relationships.
