Business Text Messaging

 Business Text Messaging

Business text messaging is the way businesses interact with their customers across various communication channels. Businesses deploy the most favorable communication channel to share reminders, and updates, answer queries and constantly keep their audience engaged.

Business Text Messaging

The era of digitization has created room for a world of possibilities with respect to the way business owners communicate with their customers. This digitization has brought with it the ability to shop from the comfort of our homes, easy tracking and quick shipping these experiences have transformed customer experiences at large. 

This has also led to a significant change in consumers’ expectations from any business they engage with. The business text messaging strategies that a company deploys have a major role to play in meeting these expectations and ensuring a good customer experience.

Did you know that 66 percent of customers would not mind paying more for products or services that are supported by business messaging? 

People today, have access to reviews, chatbots, texts and various other ways to communicate with a business, and potential customers like to have quick resolutions to their initial queries otherwise your company might immediately fall out of their consideration set, as a result, an effective business text messaging system has become the ‘new normal’ for both consumers and service providers. 

Benefits Of Business Text Messaging

Business texting allows instant communication 

With business text messaging, you can easily reach out to your customers. The conversational nature of certain business messaging channels makes it easier for businesses and customers to connect easily, creating an environment for real-time one-on-one communication. 

Business text messaging improves customer engagement and satisfaction 

Business texting acts as a platform for businesses to connect with their customers, drive more active conversations, and make them feel valued. When businesses offer instant solutions to their customers, the customers feel satisfied and trust the business. 

Business texting is cost-effective 

When compared to phone calls, text messages are considered to be way more cost-effective than phone calls and emails. With business text messages, you don’t need to be billed per minute and can save a lot of money. While customer service calls cost around $16 on average, text messages cost somewhere between $1-$5. 

Business text messaging saves time

Business text messaging allows you to save 3-4 hours of daily time as you can schedule text messages for later, send group and mass texts, set up autoresponders, and even respond to customers across different channels from one centralized dashboard. 

Business SMS facilitates better response rates 

Since a majority of customers prefer communicating via text messages, the open rate of text messages is 98% and the response rate is 45%; which is quite high compared to the open and response rates of emails.

Use Cases Of Business Text Messaging

When customers engage with businesses, what they want is a seamless communication experience. They need faster response times and prefer human beings for communication instead of self-service-enabled chatbots. 

It is business messaging that can help you offer such an experience to your customers. Let’s dig in further and observe how you can use business text messaging: 

Appointment Booking

Incorporating SMS for business eliminates the manual hassle of scheduling appointments and managing schedules. 

Your customers can easily book appointments with whichever channel they prefer on your business messaging platform, and you can direct your focus on growing your business. 

You can also schedule instant appointments by integrating live chat with your calendar. 

Text messaging can especially be a great way for dental practices or healthcare practices in general to communicate with their patients, as it has a high engagement rate.
