Kettlebell Workout Routines

Kettlebell Workout Routines
So what exactly is a kettlebell anyway? Well, a kettlebell is a piece of exercise equipment that basically looks like a canon ball with a round handle on it. Kettlebells come in various weights, and various brands so you'll find many different price ranges as well. 
There are even some kettlebells that are adjustable, just as you may have seen adjustable dumbbells. However, for the most part, you'll really only need to start with one kettlebell for your kettlebell workout routines.
One of the greatest things about doing kettlebell workout routines is that the equipment you use is so small and compact even if you live in a really small apartment, you have room to store it. You don't need a whole bunch of kettlebells, you really only need one.
 And the other thing is that you can workout inside, outside, wherever you can move around just a little bit. You can keep your kettlebell in the trunk of your car and take it with you anywhere.
One of the best exercises for your kettlebell workout routines would be the kettlebell swing or double-handed swing. The kettlebell swing will work not only your glutes and hamstrings, but also your abs. How you perform the kettlebell swing is but squatting down and grabbing the kettlebell with both hands.
 Keep your shoulder back, head up and face forward. As you stand up, swing the kettlebell out in front of you at chest height, paying close attention not to shrug your shoulders. As the same time, you are straightening your legs, and pushing your hips forward. Then, on the downswing, you once again go into the squat position, swinging the kettlebell downward and back through your legs.
Another great exercise to add to your kettlebell workout routines is the single-handed swing. Essentially it's done the same way as the double-handed swing, except you use one hand and swing the kettlebell up the same way for about 20 seconds or 10 reps. Then you rest for about 20 seconds and use the other arm.
There are many other kettlebell workout routines out there, so check for more articles about doing various routines for various goals.
 Whether you are male or female, looking to burn fat or increase muscle, you can find kettlebell workout routines that are exactly right for you.
