Workout Routines For the Healthy Woman

Workout Routines For the Healthy Woman
A lot of people like to use the acronym PUSH when it comes to their spiritual life; Pray Until Something Happens. But what about using an acronym for your physical life?
 As women we are often the busiest person in the household and it's hard to find a workout routine to meet our needs. Well ladies the rumors are true, we have to put ourselves first and that means we have to learn to PUSH in our physical life just like we PUSH in our spiritual life. Try this new acronym I have for PUSH. Play Until Sexy Happens.
I know you're wondering what I mean. I'm talking about having fun with strength training. Strength training is part of a balanced exercise routine that increases muscle mass by making the muscles work harder than they ever have before. It has worked wonders for so many women and can do the same for you too. Since I've been strength training, I've lost 1-1/2 cup size in my bra and I've had fun doing it. Just think about it like this, when you set your mind to have fun lifting weights then you will be able to sculpt the sexy body you want and live that fantasy of how sexy you look in that little black dress in the window. So come on ladies and PUSH: Play Until Sexy Happens.
If you don't like dumbbells then you can use your own body weight or find a Yoga or Pilates class that works for you. I didn't realize how heavy my arms were until I had to hold them in warrior one pose for two minutes the first time I tried yoga. When changed my mind-set from lifting my heavy arms to fantasizing about how sexy they will look in a sleeveless dress, I was able to hold the poses longer and by the end of the program I was stress free and feeling good about putting myself on my own "To Do List."
Now, I get up every morning and thank God for a new day. I read my Bible, listen to some uplifting inspirational music and Pray Until Something Happens in my spirit. After I give God His time, I make time for me and head to my favorite gym Just Fitness 4U so I can start my next PUSH and Play Until Sexy Happens. 
I'm greeted by the friendly staff and I go to the strength training machines that I know how to use and I begin my routine. I'm a beginner, so I put 15lbs on the chest press and do 3 sets of 15 reps, and then I put 10lbs on the incline machine and do 3 sets of 10 reps there. Next I work my legs, then my waist, my triceps and then it's off to see a move in the Cardio Cinema where I walk on the treadmill for about 40 minutes.
