Free Ab Workout Routine

Free Ab Workout Routine
Before you begin looking for an ab workout routine it is important that you have a nutrition plan in place. Remember, diet is the most important part in weight loss. You should also be doing regular cardio exercises (at least 5 days a week, 20-30 minutes at a time). Only when you have taken some time to plan these aspects of your ab training can you begin to think about a workout routine.
In most cases it is enough to do exercises targeting the abdominal muscles themselves only 2 to 3 times a week (and this may already be much).
 Muscles need time to recover and without giving them time to rest they will not grow.
Good exercises for abdominal muscles are crunches and even sit ups (although some say they may damage your back).
 Once you get good at these (you can perform lots of reps) you will need to put a weight plate on your chest in order to keep challenging your muscles.
Other exercises you may want to try to include things like oblique crunches, hanging leg/knee raises and back extensions.
If you want the best results you will also have to train your other muscles.
 This will not just make you stronger and give you bigger muscles, it will also help you lose fat by burning calories.
If you keep eating right, doing regular cardio exercises and working out your muscles regularly you too can get those perfect six pack abs. You just need a little patience and determination.