Abdominal Workout Routines

Abdominal Workout Routines
Are you tired of doing sit ups and crunches, knee lifts, leg raises, bicycles and every other ab workout known to man with no results. Well, here's the reason that you are not seeing those 6 pack abs you want so badly. Unfortunately, you have been spending your time on the wrong exercises. Fortunately, though, I am going to tell you what the best abdominal workout routines are.
The reason you don't see any results is because those rock hard abs you have been working to obtain are still obscured by a curtain of fat.
 Abdominal exercises build muscle well however they do very little to burn fat. 
Consider that a pound of fat takes 3,500 calories of energy to burn. The range of motion in a sit up or any other ab exercise is not enough to generate the energy to make a significant difference.
For that matter, cardio exercises aren't that great either. You could spend an hour on the Stairmaster and only burn 500 calories which means you've got 3,000 calories and 6 more hours to go.
So, the best ab workouts will burn a lot of calories as well as firm your abdominal muscles. To do this you must lift weights. Lift weights with my arms and legs to firm my abs? Yep, that's what I said.
This is because when you build muscle you actually increase your metabolism over the long term, muscle burns fat.
 On top of that, the exercises I am about to tell you about will cause you to exert such effort that you will go into a state of metabolic shock and burn even more calories for days on end.
This is because these exercises work the entire body at the same time, even your abs because your abs must balance and stabilize your body while doing things like the clean and jerk, dumb bell snatches, bench press, renegade rows, dead lifts, squats and others.
