Gym Workout Upgrade Options

Gym Workout Upgrade Options
There are many simple changes you can make to your gym workouts in order to make them harder (or easier). Such as, changing your exercise choices, changing the order of your exercises, adding exercises, adding training days, decreasing rest time (days and/ or rest between sets), increasing the weights, increasing the reps, increasing the sets etc. etc.
Introducing "advanced" training techniques is also another favorite of mine, for example, heightening the difficulty of a lackluster workout with superset's, tri-sets, giant sets, drop sets and super-slow reps. These can be factored in to a gym workout or used intuitively. For more details on these, check out my Advanced Weight Training Techniques list below.
"Advanced" techniques are commonplace in many advanced athletes training regimes, but can be put to equally good use in yours (on the proviso you're ready for them!). These advanced weight training techniques can be factored in to a gym workout or used intuitively. I say "used intuitively" as many will not deviate from a set workout routine, even when factors (psychological or otherwise) may be preventing them from performing at their best. 
Although I may have a workout plan when training a top athlete or myself, sometimes, if things aren't going quite right, rather than make do, spicing up a workout with the introduction of something new can gee up a trainer and serve to shock the body in a new way. A great example is not being able to lift as much weight as your previous session, simply drop the weights, increase the reps, or perform reps super-slow.
The only limitation of your gym workouts thinking is you, however (and it's a big HOWEVER), there's many things to be mindful of in order to adopt a "good" strategy and bring about a positive change. My article Gym Workout Routines Factors to Consider is a great place to start - this article covers exercise choices, exercise order, sets and reps, training days.
So, let's cover some Advanced Training Techniques...
21's - Three exercises of seven reps in a row. Most often used for three headed muscle groups, such as shoulders - Front Raises, Lateral Raise, Bent-Over Lateral Raise.
Bulk Sets - Three sets of five reps.
Cheat Reps - Using less strict form to lift a heavier weight. Not generally recommended!
Controlled Reps - Slowing down the tempo of reps using muscle control.Forced Reps - Achieving more reps with the assistance of a Spotter.
Giant Sets - Four exercises in a row without rest in-between.
High-Reps - Performing an unusually large associated number of reps for a discipline. For example, a bodybuilder opting to perform 20 rep squats.
Low-Reps - Performing a low number of repetitions. Commonly only used for powerlifting training - less than 5 reps.
Drop Sets - At point of failure drop weight and continue with more reps - you can do this several times during the same set.
Negatives - Lowering a weight slowly greater than you can lift (i.e. 5% greater than your 1RM). Spotter required.
Post-Exhaust - A compound exercise followed by an isolation exercise, such as Chin-Ups supersetted with Stiff-Arm Pulldowns.
Pre-Exhaust - An isolation exercise followed by a compound exercise. For example, Leg Extensions supersetted with Leg Press.
Super-Slow Reps - Pausing at the mid-point of a movement, such as pausing at the bottom when performing Squats. Typically, you would not lock out at the top of the movement 
either (i.e. do not lock out knees).
Superset's - Two exercises in a row with no rest in-between. These can be opposing muscles or the same muscle (pre-exhaust or post-exhaust).Tri-Sets - Three exercises in a row without rest in-between.
