Fun Ways to Mix-Up Your Workout Routine

Fun Ways to Mix-Up Your Workout Routine
If you're like most of us, you dread going to the gym. Yes of course it's necessary if you want to keep your body looking its best, but why can't workouts be a little more fun? It really would be much easier to stick to a workout routine if you enjoyed it a little more. 
Well I can't promise you that you'll love every workout, but I can offer you a few suggestions on how to get the most fun out of your workout, so you aren't always counting down the minutes and seconds until you can jump off that treadmill and hit the showers.
1. One of the best ways to make your workout more fun is to workout with a friend. This will give you more motivation and it will probably prevent you from skipping if you know you've got someone waiting for you.
 It's even better if you can find a workout buddy who is a little more advanced than you are. They'll be there to keep pushing you to step it up a notch. If you don't have anyone to workout with, be creative. You can try looking online, talking to some of your coworkers or even just sign up for a fitness class.
2. Make sure that you mix things up every once and a while. Who wouldn't get bored spending an hour a day running in same spot? That's why you've got change things up as much as you can. You can do this by changing your activity completely or just simply changing the scenery. Consider taking some classes or going for a run outside, rather than in the gym. You can also change up the equipment you use. If you normally just do sit-ups on a mat, why not try using an exercise ball next time? You can also try playing some seasonal sports. Instead of always going to the gym, which can be quite the challenge come winter, spend some time skiing or snowboarding instead.
3. Choose a goal for each workout. It should be tailored to your specific fitness level and push yourself hard to achieve it. It'll give you something to strive for, which will make your workouts a lot more interesting. Just make sure that the goal is realistic.
 If you've just recently started jogging, don't make your goal to run for 3 miles. But also don't make your goal too easy either. It should be just challenging enough to make you work a little harder than usual. You can also break your goal down into smaller mini goals or checkpoints if you really want to keep your focus.
Whether you're trying to lose a few extra pounds or you're just trying to stay healthy, any exercise routine can become boring if you don't mix things up every once in a while. 
So find a workout buddy, try something new and strive to reach your goals and you're sure to enjoy your workouts a little more.