Best Workout Routines

Best Workout Routines
After a lot of research I think that I've put together the best workout routine and I'd like to share it with you. However, I also want to tell you why I think it is the best.
The goal of working out is to build muscle and burn fat. However, it takes a lot of effort to burn a single pound of fat, 3,500 calories to be exact. Even if you spent an hour on the stair master you'd only burn 500 calories. Believe me, I know!
One of the reasons these exercises are the best is that they will cause you to exert so much effort that your body will go into a metabolic shock and burn calories at a higher rate for days after the workout.
Now, for the ladies in the audience who are afraid of lifting weights because they don't want to build bulky muscles just do these exercises 2 sets each with 1-5 repetitions. Men who want to bulk up do more.
Day 1: I do the bench press, squats, clean and jerk and dumb bell snatches. This will effectively work every major muscle group in tour body, back, legs, shoulders, chest and arms.
Day 2: I do dead lifts, chin ups and bent over rows. Again, these effectively work every muscle group in your body. However, they will work them from a slightly different angle or level of intensity. For example, the clean and jerk works your lower back as you jerk the bar to your chest on day one but the bent over row works your upper back on day two.
Day 3: I do lunges, military presses, dips, dumb bell swings. The lunges work the same muscles the squats did on day one but through a different motion. The military presses are also going to work your lower back like in the clean and jerk while giving you a day's rest in between.
Day 4: I do straight legged dead lifts, pull ups, one armed bar bell curls and renegade rows.
This workout routine will allow you to work every muscle in your body from different angles while also giving them a day's rest in between because you will, again, be working them from various angles and at various levels of intensity.
