Ab Workout Routine

Ab Workout Routine
An ab workout routine can be as simple or as involved as your level of fitness permits.
 For these reasons, the routine that follows has been separated into classifications of beginner and intermediate followed by an intermediate to advanced ab workout routine. Before you begin any of the exercises, get approval from a doctor.
Beginning to Intermediate Ab Workout Routine
The Leg Crunches: For those who have gotten enough of lifting their head, this ab workout routine calls for raising the legs rather than the head, which will reduce neck strain. Lie flat on your back, bending at the knees, and then lifting your feet up from the floor, bringing the knees to your chest.
The Stability Ball Crunch: Sit with an exercise ball under your low back (not under the buttocks), and do some crunches on the ball. You don't need a very wide range of movement to get positive results. Just roll on up until you can you feel the abs contracting. Hold this position while breathing softly in and out.
The Crossed Crunch: Lie down on the floor while bending your knees, then crossing the right ankle over the left knee. Do a crunch as you normally do, but bring the left elbow to the right ankle, so that you target your side abdominal muscles.
 Switch sides so that you are targeting both sets of your obliques.
Intermediate to Advanced Ab Workout Routine
The Yoga Boat Pose: For this ab workout routine, sit down on the floor and put your legs out in the front of you, with your knees bent slightly and arms extend your arms out to either side of the body. Slowly raise your feet off of the floor, and lean back slightly so your body remains balanced while sitting down on the floor. Lift the legs as far as you can, bringing your arms to the front of the body and in front of the extended legs. This pose can be difficult, but the results are big!
The Yoga Plank Pose: This ab workout routine is easier to do than the one previous, and is managed by first lying down on your stomach. Curl your toes under you so that your muscles in the back of the legs stretch.
 Lift the torso off of the floor, and extend your straight arms under the shoulders. Use all of your muscles (this includes your abs) in the body for stability, and hold this position, while you keep your back straight with hips your hips tucked in. Hold this pose for as long as you can comfortably.
