Time Management for A Stepper Workout

Time Management for A Stepper Workout
How many times have you given the excuse 'don't have time' and have procrastinated? Plenty, if you remember all the times you were asked to call an old friend, mow the lawn, clean your wardrobe or go to the gym.
 While no one but you can motivate yourself to call up your old friend, the new home use stepper can motivate you to start exercising - and the best part is you don't have to go to the gym. 
All you need to do is spend 30 minutes a day on your stepper and you will be able to achieve your weight loss and weight management goals.
 No routines and schedules to fit in, the home use fitness stepper gives you the freedom to workout whenever you want to. The most good quality steppers come with small timers that help you in time management and counting the calories you burn.
Types of stepper workout
If you are pressed for time and need to lose weight quickly, here are effective stepper workouts for you.
Stepmill workout
Spend 5 minutes for warm up, keep the resistance at 25% of the highest and speed at 25% of the maximum setting. The workout should be of 10 minutes and the resistance should be 80-100% of maximum capacity and speed should be at 50% of the highest speed. You can also change or increase the resistance level and speed for a more advanced level workout. You can go up to 80-100% of maximum speed level. End the workout with a warm up of 5 minutes.
Advanced stepper workout
The best results from a workout will come when you keep your back upright and use your hands as balance while holding the machine. No matter how much of an advanced workout you are trying, it is important to do your stretches and warm up before you begin.
 If you are a beginner, you should aim for 6-12 minutes on an easy level. Intermediates and advanced should aim for 10 minutes stepper workout. Once you are done with the workout session, spend some time stretching your calf and thigh muscles. If you are planning for a long workout session, make sure you keep a water bottle handy and sip regularly.
Dance-stepper workout
If you want a trendy, fun workout, you can get a workout DVD that plays pep music and peps you up for the workout. Some of these workout DVD's help beginners to get into the groove of stepper exercises easily while some offer a difficult workout for advanced steppers. If you are bored with the routine, these workout DVD's can bring back the fun in exercising.
 Initially, you might find it difficult to learn the moves, but once you master the moves, you will find yourself losing weight and staying in shape without much efforts. You get 3 workout DVD's and a bonus dance-workout DVD with Brenda Dygraf Air Climber Fitness Stepper.