In Home Personal Training

In Home Personal Training
Personal training has always been not only been a career of mine but also a passion. I have trained clients for more than ten years. Having trained clients in fitness studios, gyms and people's homes, it is important to understand the difference between the types of the training environments. Now that my own business consists of only in-home personal training, I decided to write an article discussing the differences and advantages of why people chose to hire an in-home personal trainer.
There are many reasons why people hire a in-home personal trainer. The most obvious reason may be people do not want to travel to a gym. This is convenient since it will reduce the amount of time and gas spent. Some people need accountability and do not have a reason to cancel a personal training appointment when I travel to see them. People who travel to a gym may be more likely to cancel since time constraints might be a reason.
Next, clients are looking for an extra push when it come to fitness. They need a fitness professional who will push them physically but want to exercise in privacy. Privacy is a huge factor for certain people who are afraid to exercise in a public setting. Obese people might be uncomfortable exercising in a gym or fitness studio and might be intimated by other people or the environment. I have trained fit people who are also self-conscious about exercising in public. This is eliminated by exercising in the privacy of your own home.
Lastly, it is important to have a personalized fitness program. A fitness professional must make sure short-term and long-term goals are established along with performing a fitness assessment. This will give me a baseline starting point of someone's current fitness level. 
My service also offers to go to the grocery store with the client to help them with the nutritional aspect of the program. I am not a nutritionist or registered dietitian but suggesting healthy items is not out of my scope of practice. An example might be me suggesting whole wheat bread instead of white bread. These simple changes everyday may help someone reach their fitness goals faster. Most gyms and studios offer 1 on 1 personal training but do not offer any type of help with nutrition.
