Workout Routine to Shed Pounds Fast

Workout Routine to Shed Pounds Fast
The most brutal workout routine to shed pounds fast has landed. Fat cells are being destroyed as we speak, by the millions. Let this workout enter your living room for the fat extermination to begin.
Do you play with fire?
This workout will burn even the hardest athlete.
Workout Routine to Shed Pounds of Fat Fast:
100 jumping jacks
2 minutes skipping
100 Free squats
15 burpees
25 tucking crunches
12 pull ups  - on a door, overhead beam etc
15 Wall squats
20 Staggered press ups
Do this circuit 3 times through and at the end you will be begging for mercy.
IF you can make it through the whole thing that is.
While losing body fat is in theory an easy concept to grasp, it is often the motivation and procrastination that blows your chances at having a lean, sexy body.
Would I be right if I said that if you put into practice everything you know about getting lean and in great shape, you would be near super model, fitness model status right now?
Even some fitness models and body builders have off days, but the ones who float to the top, float on purpose.
Even when they have a crap day, even if a loved one dies, they are moving house, they are sick, whatever, they still push on through and make sure that they get the days workout in, and they never let nutrition slip back down to sub par.
If you would like to learn the best secrets on how to motivate yourself, beat procrastination with a baseball bat and the best secrets to nutrition and exercise to get abs and a lean sexy body, I am sure glad you found this article.
