What Are the Best Workout Routines for Abs?

What Are the Best Workout Routines for Abs?
In this article I am going to tell you how I got my beer belly to turn into an amazing 6 pack. With workout routines for abs you will see differences like no other. Just follow a few simple steps like I have done and you will see many changes.
You should firstly make sure you are eating properly because that is extremely important. Secondly you have to make sure you're doing all the right exercises and the right amount of it.
You should always allot a day of rest in order to let your muscle grow and also to prevent injury. You should try to do running 3 times a week preferably for 25-45 minutes.
Workout routines for abs should mostly consist on working on your abs for example there are two great exercises which you could do just to start.
The first great exercise is called the Russian V twists with a medicine ball. This works amazingly on your abs especially when your abs starts to burn. A second great exercise is called the oblique twister. This is also great for your abs and it's not very common but it works amazingly.
These two exercises are great and there only the start of building your perfect six pack. If you keep up these exercises you will notice a massive difference to your abs. Im sure you cant wait to get started on working on your six pack abs, and with these great workout tips you are guaranteed to be going down the right path.
