3 Calorie Burning Workout Routines For Men

3 Calorie Burning Workout Routines For Men

If you're trying to lose a little bit of weight, one of the best things you can possibly do for yourself is to get a little bit of exercise. The type of exercise that you get, however, is going to make a large difference in your overall results. I've seen some men try a variety of different things and unfortunately, the things that they are doing are only going to burn a minimum amount of calories. If you follow these 3 different workouts, you will stand a much better chance of losing weight and keeping it off for the long term.
Since most men tend to do cardiovascular exercise in order to burn calories, that is where we are going to start. Believe it or not, doing long-term cardiovascular exercise is going to help you burn calories but it is not going to help you to burn them properly. The reason why this is the case is because whenever you step off the treadmill, exercise bike or whatever else you are utilizing for these long-term aerobics, your heart rate goes back to normal and your metabolism goes back to normal as well. In order for you to keep your metabolism up for the long term, you need to do high intensity interval training.
Not only does high intensity interval training help you to burn more calories, it also saves you a considerable amount of time. You can use any machine or any type of aerobics in order to do high intensity interval training, you just need to do it differently. Start out by going one minute at 100% of your intensity and then for an equal or longer time at a slower pace.
Continue to cycle through this for up to 20 minutes or perhaps even a little bit more. Most people are surprised with just how difficult it is to get through this time. The benefits are, you will not sacrifice any muscle mass as a result of doing this type of aerobics and your metabolism will keep running strong for the entire day - making this one of the best workout routines for men.
Another thing that you can do in order to burn a massive amount of calories is to do some high intensity training with weights. You do an overall body workout one time every week using multi-joint exercises. Instead of doing multiple sets of these exercises, simply do one set the absolute failure and then move on to the next. As with high-intensity interval training with aerobics, you'll save a considerable amount of time and you will pack on an extreme amount of muscle. The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you are going to burn.
That being said, the third type of exercise is going to be squats and deadlifts. You must incorporate these into your overall body routine in order to burn the maximum amount of calories. Since you will be working your larger muscles of the body, the legs, you add more muscle faster and increase your metabolism right along with it.
