Get Going With an Exercise Program Today

Get Going With an Exercise Program Today
If your New Year's resolutions include losing weight and getting in shape-what are you going to do to get started? You could go on a diet to lose some of those pounds you put on during the holidays and maybe get going with an exercise program today to help you get in shape.
Have you been thinking lately of getting back into an exercise program? Perhaps you've wanted to join that new gym around the corner, but you're just too self-conscious about going in there alone. Many women feel the same way that you do.
The first time I walked into a gym all that I saw was a big room full of men and women working out. It was noisy with all of those weights clashing together and it made me feel quite intimidated. Then I realized that they were there to get exercise, same as me and I had every right to be there too. Once I got through a couple of workouts I started to relax and feel more comfortable going by myself.
In the beginning, I couldn't do anything close to the workout that others there had mastered. I struggled with the weights, my muscles burned and I felt tired, hot and exhausted. I was getting lots of unsolicited advice from many of the experts at the gym, some saying I had to add more weights to see any results. I made friends and acquaintances this way, but I kept my senses when it came to taking too much advice about my exercise program.
I found that the more I exercised, the better I felt. The better I felt, the more I wanted to exercise. It wasn't long before I was actually looking forward to working out. Exercises and moves that in the beginning were almost impossible to do became warm-ups to the more advanced exercises that my body began to crave. Rather than feeling exhausted after a workout, I felt revived and refreshed, ready to take on the day.
Exercise changed the way that I felt about myself. As my body changed and I became more confident about my abilities, my confidence grew. To quote the great Anthony Robbins, "I awakened the giant within me."
I believe exercise can add positive benefits to your life too. Today's women have many different opportunities to exercise. You can join a local gym, maybe someplace convenient to your office or home. This way it will be easy to visit often. If you don't care for gyms, try organizing a walk group with people at work. There's usually someone there who, like you, is looking for an outlet to exercise. If neither appeals to you, start an exercise program at home or engage in aerobic activities, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming or playing any sport that increases your heart rate.
