Best Nutrition During 5x5 Workout Routine

Best Nutrition During 5x5 Workout Routine
Nutrition is a fundamental but often an ignored addition to the perfect workout and we must remember that correct nutrition is the way to ensure that the body built itself, revitalizes and gains energy from the meal.
The bodybuilder, especially in the 5x5 workout routine, should consider at least three, and ideally five to six, vital meals in order to ensure maximum utilization and efficiency. These meals can be grouped into breakfast, pre-workout and post-workout. 

Concerned bodybuilder should ensure that he has proper nutrition during these three meals because nutrition during the 5x5 training is the most important part as the exercises you do are very energy consuming and tiring.
Without the proper nutrients and supplements, the body can suffer muscle mass loss and may pose serious health risks for the body builder.
Proper and improper nutrition may spell out success or doom for the routine and the body builder. There are many diets that a person may choose out from, including the fat-loss, the mass-gain and the Atkins diets among others. All these depend on whether you want to gain or lose weight and since this article involves nutrition during 5x5 workout, a lot of emphasis would be placed on eating the right foods in order to gain positive weight which is in form of muscle and not fat.
In order to achieve the best results, a bodybuilder working out this routine has to place utmost importance on a good protein based meals- the suggested ratio for protein is one gram for each kg of your body weight.
I will start with the most important meal of the three, the pre-work Out meal. One question bodybuilders and people in general should ask themselves is, can you drive a car without fuel? No. Can you light a bulb without electricity? Definitely not. So the pre-work out meal controls the amount, length and quality of the work-out. An ideal meal should be consumed an hour before work out, and it should be balanced. It should contain more carbohydrates though as the body needs those glycogen reserves to propel and power you throughout your work-out.
The breakfast is also very vital. Scientists have proven that an appropriate and balanced diet is fundamental in refueling the body for the day's activities. Post and Pre-workout Nutrition during 5x5 workout routine would be meaningless without a power breakfast. An ideal breakfast should consist of 8-12% fat, protein of 40% and carbohydrates of 50%. For example, cheese with healthy bread and a fruit will be a great start-the-day meal.
After an intense work-out, your body needs to replenish the lost energy, repair tissues and give you more energy to carry out our other day activities so a balanced diet is even more essential this time.
After the routine, the body would give you a 30 minute grace period to replace the lost energy. During this time, more proteins and carbohydrates should be consumed so i suggest to break the after workout lunch into 2 parts- the first, exactly after the workout, will contain proteins that absorbs fast by the body, such as milk based proteins and later a meat based proteins that need some time to get processed by the body.
