What's the Best Cardio Workout?

What's the Best Cardio Workout?
When it's time to start exercising, you may be wondering what is the best cardio workout for burning fat. If you do your research, you'll see that every cardio machine on the market claims to be the best. You may never find the answer to which machine gives the best workout, since every person is different and has different cardio needs. When you're ready to begin working out, the best choice is to choose a workout that you actually enjoy.
When you enjoy your workout, you're most likely to stick with it for the longterm. Consistency with any cardio workout is the best way to lead a healthy lifestyle. The degree to which a cardio workout burns fat depends on the intensity of the exercise.
Cardio exercise beginners should choose low intensity workouts. Low intensity workouts will help you to workout longer, building your endurance. After time, you may begin to increase the intensity of your workouts.
 Increasing the intensity will help you to burn more fat in a shorter period of time. The best cardio workouts alternate bursts of high intensity with periods of moderate intensity. A better workout will get you to your weight loss goals faster!
As far as exercise equipment goes, treadmills are consistently rated number one; they are available in every price range and are a common staple in a family's home.
A treadmill workout will help you to burn calories, lose weight, and achieve your goals. Varying your workout is the key to preventing boredom on the treadmill, and alternating running and walking can give you the best cardio workout.
For those who need a low impact workout, elliptical exercise equipment is a great choice. An elliptical machine provides a great cardiovascular workout without impact on your joints. Again, varying your intensity will give you the best workout from your elliptical trainer.
If traditional exercise equipment bores you, then spinning may be the perfect workout for you. Spinning is anything but boring, and is a popular form of fitness.
 A spinning workout will get your heart racing as you pedal to upbeat music. You will work up a sweat, so it's important to stay hydrated and keep your heart rate in check by wearing a heart rate monitor.