The Ultimate Muscle Building The Ultimate Muscle Building Workout Program

The Ultimate Muscle Building Workout Program
When trying to build muscle, its vital that you do the right things or else you could be wasting hours and hours each week in the gym for nothing. One of the main reasons why most people don't build the muscle that they want to do, is they simply over train. Long workouts with weights in the gym will slow down you results.
This is because research as shown that after 45 minutes of weight training the male growth hormone testosterone starts to slow down. So all the time that you spend in the gym after 45 minutes, is actually counter productive. 45 minute weight training sessions in the gym are more than enough time to build muscle fast.
Here's the full workout which you will be completing 4 times per week, preferably on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You will complete three sets of 4 to 7 reps on each exercise. To trick your body so that your body doesn't get use to the same program you will be doing 4 to 7 reps for two weeks, then changing the reps to 8 to 12 reps for the next two weeks then returning back to the original 4 to 7 reps.
Monday Chest & Back
Lat pull down
Seated lat pull down
Close grip standing pull down
Flat bench press
Incline bench press
Pec dec
Wednesday Legs & shoulders
Leg extensions
Seated Leg press
Seated calf raise
Seated dumbbell shoulder press
Shrugs seated shoulder press
Friday Biceps & Triceps
Seated dumbbell curl
Standing barbell curl
Dumbbell hammer curls
Tricep rope push downs
Tricep push downs
Tricep dips
Follow this short and intense weight training program and you will quickly be on your way to a more muscular body that you can happily show off on the beach and around the pool.
