What Are Kettlebell Workouts?

What Are Kettlebell Workouts?
Over the past several years, kettlebell workouts have grown in popularity around the world on an almost exponential increase. Personal trainers, bodybuilders and professional athletes have depended on these types of workouts to provide them with a varied method of enhancing their cardiovascular, flexibility and strength training overall.
What is a kettlebell?
The actual kettlebell itself is just a cast-iron weight that looks almost identical to a small cannonball that has an attached handle. It was first developed in Russia during the 18th century. During the 20th century, the Soviet army implemented these weights into their workout regimes for the soldiers and they began to use even further in the mid-1900s for competitive sporting events all throughout Europe. The first official certification program for kettlebell workouts was developed by a US publication company in 2001.

Why are these workouts so effective? How can the kettlebell effectively be used to get the results that you desire out of a workout?

Better Than Most Dumbbells
When used correctly, the kettlebell is more effective and beneficial to use in almost any workout that a dumbbell. They are able to build strength all throughout your body (even your overall grip) and improve your endurance and stamina levels as well. When you use a dumbbell, you are required to perform routines and motions that you would not necessarily do a lot in any other day-to-day routine. For example, focus on the motion of your arm when you are performing a basic dumbbell curl. Besides when you are exercising, how often do you have to perform the same motion with your arm that you do when you are doing a dumbbell curl-up? On the other hand, workouts that are built around kettlebells are more effective in most instances because they are used in a way that imitates a variety of different real-world activities.

There are many more key differences that set kettlebells apart from dumbbells when used properly during a workout. Kettlebells are able to work out several muscles simultaneously while dumbbells require you to isolate specific muscles individually. Since kettlebell workouts can be performed continuously or with small breaks, these workouts are more intense and naturally aerobic that any basic workout that you could perform with a regular dumbbell.

Not For Everyone
Even though it may seem like a simple workout, especially because of the size of the actual kettlebell, it is vital to remember that it is not for everyone. Kettlebell workouts can be dangerous and even fatal for some people, especially if they have back or shoulder problems. The way that your body needs to move overall with this cast-iron weight is extremely beneficial for the people that can handle the weight and the workout. However, it can also be extremely detrimental if you are not able to do so.

The Next Step in the Exercise Revolution
Over the past several decades, many professional trainers, nutritionists and exercise enthusiasts have developed new and improved techniques for workouts and innovated tools and equipment that could enhance the results of a good workout. Kettlebells are just another part of that exercise revolution. As long as they are used correctly and by people that can physically handle the weight safety, the results that you can receive from this tiny ball will truthfully leave you in shock and awe.
