Three Simple Workout Routines to Build Muscle

Three Simple Workout Routines to Build Muscle
The only thing that separates a professional body builder from an amateur one is just discipline.
 Professional bodybuilders are willing to go through their daily lives doing what many people consider to be strenuous, knowing that they will see the fruits of their labor in the end while amateur ones try a new routine and claim that it does not work after failing to see results in a week.
 Generally speaking, developing workout routines to build muscle is 90% mental and 10% physical. The steps are really simple but many people do not have the willpower to persevere to the end.
Check your muscle conditions
Before you begin any workout routines to build muscle, you need to first check your muscle conditions with the doctor.
 Every individual differs in terms of their muscle strengths and certain routines that work with a person might result in torn muscles and ligaments on the second individual. Your doctor will be able to suggest a workout condition that is suitable for your muscles.
Perform a full body workout
Muscle building does not happen overnight and it certainly needs to be comprehensive, without specifically focusing on any parts of the body. 
You need to work on your shoulders, your biceps, triceps and your chest on the first day and then move on to your lower limbs on the second day. Give your muscles about 24 hours to rest and recover.
Slowly increase intensity
If you remain stagnant and perform the same workout over and over again, you will not see any results. All you need to do is to increase the intensity of your workout routines by adding the amount of weight or doing more repetitions over time.
 As a general rule of thumb, it is highly advisable that you increase the intensity of your workout routines every five weeks.
