The Benefits of Getting Personal Training

The Benefits of Getting Personal Training
We humans are great at coming up with one excuse after another. And hey, some of the excuses are even legitimate. A demanding job, sick kids, etc., etc. So where are you going to get the time for personal training? Exercises are important. You know it. I know it. But what are you going to do about it? Personal training exercises with a certified personal trainer may be just the kick you need
Here's the thing. Unless you're incredibly self-motivated, it is way too easy to put off that exercise plan... maybe forever. But if you have an appointment with a personal trainer (like me!), you're less likely to blow it off. All you have to do is get your butt in gear, get in the car, and show up for your session. Your trainer will provide the motivation.
What's the Big Deal about Having a Trainer?
Ever gone to a gym and wandered around staring at the equipment? Yeah, some gyms will set you up on a program, but personal attention has fallen by the wayside at a lot of them, and you're unlikely to get a truly customized routine.
An experienced personal trainer from Integrated Health Solutions by Tanya Morrell, on the other hand, will come up with an exercise program that meets your specific needs. If your main goal is to lose those extra pounds that have crept up since childbirth, you don't want the same training routine as someone who's preparing to climb a mountain or run a marathon.
But hey, even if you're starting out with modest goals, don't discount the possibility of expanding them.
As Doug Larson, a noted author and comedian, said, "Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." There's a lot of truth mixed in with the humor in that statement.
Even if you think you're puny and weak, or fat and out of shape, pay attention to what Magic Johnson had to say. I mean, the dude did OK with a basketball, right?
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog."
A good person trainer works with you at your level and knows how far to take you and how quickly to push... and when to talk about adjusting those initial goals. No judgments.
How does it work?
Well, here's how I do it. When you start working with me, I'll find out your goals and learn what you want to get out of your exercise program. Then I'll do a fitness evaluation to see where you stand and what areas need work.
Together, we'll come up with a plan that meets your needs. I'll also work with your budget. Depending on what you want to accomplish, you may be able to get by with fewer sessions and more homework. Or, if you feel like you need an extra kick in the buttock, coming in more often might be the way to go.
So what's a training session like?
That's not an easy question to answer because everyone has different goals and is starting from a different place. But in general, we'll do some sort of cardiovascular training to make sure your muscles are warmed up.
