Weight Loss Workouts: Confusion is Key

Weight Loss Workouts: Confusion is Key
You already know that losing weight means getting more active -- you’ll generally need at least 250 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week, plus two or three weight training sessions each week while you're losing the 50 pounds. That will keep you torching calories, and it’ll build metabolism-boosting muscle that will help you keep the weight off -- and help you look fit and toned when you reach your goal.
But you’ll also need to create confusion by switching up your workout routine. That's because your body naturally resists losing weight and starts burning fewer calories with your regular workout (lovely, huh) so you’ll need to switch it up to keep burning calories.
Confuse with Cardio
Start your weight loss journey picking a form of cardio you love -- whether that’s busting a move in aerobic dance class, swimming laps or sweating it out on on the treadmill -- and give yourself a few weeks to build up your cardiovascular base. After a few weeks, introduce confusion by introducing one or two new forms of cardio a week. Trade your regular treadmill session for a half-hour on the step-mill, try a different fitness class or opt for a jog outside instead of in the gym.
As you get more advanced, keep torching calories by adding intervals to your workout. After you’ve warmed up, up the intensity for a minute -- enough that you’re ready for a break at the end of the 1-minute period -- rest with a lower-intensity interval for 1 and 2 minutes, then repeat the intervals for the duration of your workout. You can add variety in the way you structure interval workouts to keep burning calories, too. For example, try a 30-second work interval and 60-second rest interval one day, and a 10-second work interval and 50-second rest interval the next.
Create Muscle Confusion with Strength Workouts
It’s even more important to switch up your strength training. Try using a different type of weight for your regular routine -- for example, grab a barbell instead of a set of dumbbells -- or choose a different exercise that works the same muscle groups. You’ll need to completely revamp your routine every 6 to 8 weeks -- or 3 to 4 times during your 50-pound weight loss -- to avoid a plateau. It’s best to consult a professional for each new routine; they’ll be able to assess your fitness level and recommend the exercises that will give you the best results.
