The Best Workout Routine

The Best Workout Routine
While it is difficult to suggest a best workout routine for everyone because largely, it depends on the individual and his or her physical strength and conditions, we can formulate a workout that will help you to attain all your health related goals.
 One of the important maxims to program a perfect workout routine is the Pareto's Principle which suggests that while you workout 20%, you should attain 80% of benefits. This 80/20 principle is the basic concept of programming the best workout routine especially when you are leading a busy professional life. Even if you have just a few minutes to devote for a routinely exercise program, you can prepare a good exercise plan by including push-ups, pull ups and squats in your daily routine. It is one of the best workout routines for those who don't have enough time to visit a gym and perform exercises for lengthy periods.
Best Workout Routine for your Upper Body: Push-Ups 
Push ups are an essential part of any good workout plan. Regular pushups will help you efficiently workout for your chest, triceps and shoulders. In addition, pushups will also help you improve your Ab muscles.
 Pushups are certainly one of very first exercises that we learn during our childhood, yet we often forget or ignore effective push-ups can be.

 There are many variations of Push ups that can be used to improve your workout regularly. Some popular and effective variations of push-ups are elevated pushups, wide grip pushups and diamond push ups. Push-ups are one of the best exercises for chest, shoulders and Ab muscles and they are one of the simplest and best exercises.
Best Workout Routine for your Forearms and Biceps: Pull Ups 
Pull ups are also a very common exercise that we learnt during our school days. Yet, we often ignore highly effective results of pullups. Pull-ups are one of the best exercises for your upper back and if you want to improve your biceps and forearms, Pullups will prove to be most effective. 
Some of the most effective and easiest variations of pull ups that you can use during your routine workout are chin up pull-ups, close grip pull ups, and wide grip pull ups. Wide grip pull-ups are a very effective exercise to strengthen your upper back muscle.
Best Workout Routine for your Lower Body and Legs: Squat 
Often people enjoy doing push ups and pull ups; however, most of the people find squats a little difficult. Yet, in order to attain the best workout routine, you need to care for your lower body.
 While pull ups and push ups make the best exercise routine for your upper body, squats will help you in attaining the best possible exercise for your lower body. Squats are one of the best exercises to work on your lower back and to strengthen and shape your butt. Squats will also improve your leg muscles including quadriceps, calves and hamstrings.
 In order to bring variations in your daily workout routine, you may try front squat and sumo squat. To increase the intensity of squats, you may try one leg squat or overhead squat